Layers: A Trinity of Geometrical Coffee Tables

A Unique Collaboration Between Designer Kajsa Willner and AC Snickeri

Layers takes inspiration from the theme of the Swedish pavilion at the London Design Biennale 2016; equal terms collaborations between designers and producers based on shared responsibility for costs and profits. It emphasizes the importance of reintroducing the artistic process within production and finding new ways of producing by going local again and questioning unsustainable business models.

Layers is a trinity of geometrical coffee tables made from two colored sheets of valchromat. The layered style, combined with the alternating colors, gives a different look depending on the angle the tables are viewed from. The variation of the layer direction gives the user possibilities to create unique settings just by rearranging the tables as a group or by using them individually. This 50/50 design symbolizes the collaboration between designer Kajsa Willner and producers AC Snickeri and Marcus Brunström.

The table trio is made using a CNC machine to cut and drill the different table pieces, which are then attached through pre-drilled holes and glued together. The result is a strong graphical appearance that makes the tables ideal for use in private settings, such as a living room, as well as in public spaces, like a hotel lobby.

The project started in August 2016 in Malmo, Sweden, and was first exhibited as part of the Swedish pavilion at the London Design Biennale 2016. It was also showcased in Tokyo during Tokyo Design Week under the same exhibition theme. The collaboration between designer and producer from the very beginning allowed for a final product that is compatible with the machinery hosted by the producer and their craft skills, creating a utopian relationship between designer and producer.

The design process for Layers faced challenges in optimizing production time and reducing manual labor. By cutting multiple pieces of the same simple forms and drilling holes for aligning the pieces when gluing them together, the production time was significantly shortened, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

Layers received the Bronze A' Design Award in 2017 in the Furniture Design category. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Layers showcases strong technical and creative skills and contributes to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kajsa Willner
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Marcus Brunström, Layers, 2016 Image #2: Photographer Marcus Brunström, Layers, 2016 Image #3: Photographer Marcus Brunström, Layers, 2016 Image #4: Designer Kajsa Willner, Layers, 2016 Image #5: Designer Kajsa Willner, Layers, 2016
Project Team Members: Designer: Kajsa Willner Producer: AC Snickeri Producer: Marcus Brunström
Project Name: Layers
Project Client: Kajsa Willner

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